Search Results for "125 pounds"


Hannah and her husbands - PDF

Hannah and her husbands
Price: 8.00

Hannah is 5'9", 125 pounds. Her strength, speed and skill is impressive, as are her 42G breasts. Knowing that a gorgeous golden goddess like Hannah possessing what could only be described as superhuman strength made Brick\u2019s dick as hard as granite. It had the exact same effect on Gary and Johnny. She had a figure that was the perfect balance of slender and voluptuous. She had a trim, tight waist and wide, womanly hips. Her taut, round ass was like a ripe peach that was just begging to be sampled. Her long, shapely, pleasing legs, delicate feet and ten sexy toes completed the impossibly pulchritudinous portrait. And on top of Hannah\u2019s otherworldly beauty, there was her unreal strength. Brick knew that Hannah was easily at least twenty times stronger than he was. Exquisite artwork by Edson.

Hannah 5'9" 125 pounds strength speed skill 42G breasts golden goddess superhuman strength Brick Gary Johnny figure slender voluptuous waist hips ass legs feet toes beauty unreal strength Edson.

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Brat Power - TEXT

Brat Power
Price: 2.00
(Story: Sonofjack)

When 6'8", 310 pound Jake accepted the job as house sitter for a rich couple vacationing in Europe, he figured it would be the easiest ten thousand dollars he'd ever make. All he had to do was make sure that their nineteen year old daughter didn't throw any parties. Then he met Suzanne. She was 5'5", 125 pounds and the most gorgeous girl Jake had ever seen! But when he tried to impose his authority, he discovered that there was something else special about Suzanne. It was his first encounter with Brat Power. It would not be his last...

6'8" 310 pound Jake job house sitter rich couple vacationing Europe easiest ten thousand dollars make make sure nineteen year old daughter throw parties met Suzanne 5'5" 125 pounds gorgeous girl authority discovered something else special Brat Power first encounter last

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